Comparing SAP BO with Power Bi

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The best business intelligence reporting software is Power Bi or SAP BO

In this article, we will compare Power Bi and SAP BO.

We continue to live by creating different types of data at every stage we have existed from the past to the present. Some of these data are recorded, some are not recorded. But of course, we will be interested in what is recorded in this article. Many data such as the type of sites we enter while browsing the Internet, how much time we spend on that site, from the shopping we do at the grocery store, are recorded without our knowledge. Gradually we come to the main problem.

What are we going to do with this data?

The data in its raw form does not make sense to us or even to anyone. Because raw data is complicated, complicated, difficult to understand. It is difficult to operate on this data and make inferences. This is the first time we are using the concept of inference. Yes, we have actually touched on one of our main goals. We will make some inferences using the data. In other words, by processing and analyzing the data, we will try to draw meaningful conclusions.

What do we mean by trying to draw meaningful conclusions from the data?

At this point, there are many areas where data can be worked with, in this article, we will be interested in creating a report by visualizing the data while stabilizing it at the same time, creating dashboard software. To stabilize the data, it starts to work with a complex data set and makes the data available together with the adjustments made on the data.

Most of us have made reports in any assignment or company where we work. The main goal when making these reports is to make the values that need to be seen to be presented by creating a meaningful result together with the existing breakdowns of the data. In other words, even a person who has news on the subject will be able to understand what he wants to be told with just small visualizations and will be able to make an idea. In fact, this is exactly what is wanted. It is to simplify the data and visualize it in a presentation-ready state. That’s what the whole business is all about.

To sum up, some data is recorded and stored at every moment of our lives. The important thing is to process this data, put it in a certain format and then draw meaningful conclusions with an interface that will make our lives easier at the point of visualization. At this point, we will be getting acquainted with Power BI and SAP BO. I will try to prepare an understandable and easy guide and comparison article by examining what we can do step by step.

What are SAP Business Objects?

With the SAP Business Objects solution, your users can use data collection, reporting, forecasting, easy information analysis and different functions for different reporting needs as self-service in a single integrated product during the decision-making process.

What is POWER BI?

Power BI, the developer of which is Microsoft, is a powerful, equipped, interactive, reporting tool that we can work with data
it is a solution provider that offers us a lot of visual options and allows us to do all this in a practical way in a short time.


With the SAP Business Objects solution, your users can use data collection, reporting, forecasting, easy information analysis and different functions for different reporting needs as self-service in a single integrated product during the decision-making process. There is a steeper learning curve for new users with SAP businessobjects (bobj). It is a new environment with a new style and new concepts to learn. It’s not difficult for business analysts, but it’s not as easy as learning a new Microsoft product.

In its roughest form, Power BI is a solution provider whose developer is Microsoft, which is powerful, equipped, interactive, where we can work with data, offers us a lot of visual options for reporting and allows us to do all this in a practical way, in a short time.


Let’s come to the issue of pricing, many companies act by paying budgetary attention to pricing. Especially small and medium-sized smes (firm/ company, etc.) Pay more attention. Now, how much is the monthly fee for our two software?

As you can see, Power BI is more advantageous and suitable for us here.

As a stand-alone tool, MS Power BI does not have a large number of built-in data security options. Any security must be implemented at the user level by the dbas of the organization to control which data can be accessed through the connections. Only when the MS Power BI service or on-premises server is added to the environment, security rules can be applied about who sees what data or accesses which visualizations.
At the heart of SAP businessobjects is a configurable and reliable security system that allows administrators to manage who accesses which content, query which data sources, and manage who sees which data from them.

2) Convenience/Flexibility / Speed of Solution/ Analysis
MS Power BI puts a lot of potential in the hands of its end users. If you have good knowledge of your databases and other resources and can learn the DAX language, you can achieve a lot without having to involve anyone other than IT. İt’s a tool. This may be as much power as some users will not be able to fully use, or more than BT wants to give.
SAP businessobjects divides data preparation and reporting generation into different tools, which, of course, can be used by the same person if they have the right skills. In many organizations, IT will want to control data preparation, and the business will want to have report generation tasks – this is much easier with sapbusinessobjects instead of MS Power BI.

Today, organizations operate in an era that places great importance on data and its applicability. Decision makers constantly need uninterrupted and fast provision of accurate and real-time data. The importance of self-service BI is fueled by this need for businesses to make critical decisions as soon as possible based on exponential growth in data. Power BI is enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards
it provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence features with a simple interface. Power BI provides better data visualization, integration services and better mobile capabilities compared to SAP BO. SAP BO has some difficulties and limitations.

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